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The power of 2×2 forced Matrix by Purcy Cicilia



In the MLM Industry there are lots of way companies structures the way you make money.

One of the latest and most powerfull way of earning money through MLM is 2×2 forced Matrix. There are companies with a binary system, that functions almost the same. The only difference is that a forced Matrix is forced to stop at a certain level, and a binary system goes on and on and on.

A forced matrix cycle every time at the programmed level you choose. Most matrices are programmed to stop at the second or the third level.

2×2 forced Matrix is designed to help people generate moeny. It’s like a money Machine, both for the company and the afiliate.

2 x2 means: 2 people, (1st level) look for two people (2nd level). This results in 8 people and not just 4 people. So because of the fast grow, you need to force it to stop otherwise it’ll grow too fast.

A 2×2 results in 6 people, while a 2×3 results in 14 people.

o  o                                   o    o

o  o  o  o        6 people     o    o    o    o

o    o  o  o  o  o  o  o  14 people

A 2×4 fastly delivers 30 people.

So it depends what you want to grow, what the cost for growing is, and what does the growth delivers, MLM groups can grow very fast with this system, and deliver lots of money to the afiliates.

So if you are looking for a way to change your life style, by working less for someone, and have more money to work for you, you should consider joining a system that offers a 2×2 growth system.

We at onfire miracle have a very good 2×2  and 2×3 system. In this system, when you are in the category of 2×2, you cycle every time 6new people join in your organisation. That means if in a given period 100 people join your organistion, you have just cycle 100/6 times. That  is 16 times.

For example: If at the time o cycling the company pays $100, and the cycling rate is 1 week, than by reaching 100 people, you have earned $100×16=$1600 in just under 7 weeks. If this growth rate is less , lets say 2 days, than your $1600 is earned in just  2 weeks.

The big good news of 2×2 matrix is: you just need to look for 2 people. The third will always be a spillover to the next level. So, a great benefit: even if you don’t look for people, you can profit from spillover.

Be part of a fast growing team in onfiremiracle. Our team helps you with all the tools and guide you need to multiply your investment fast. It’s a low investment program, that cycles fast. You get your ROI, very fast, and the system will keep you running in the program with money you produce.

Do you know how many people you can have in your organisation with a growth rate of 2 person per month in one year? That compared with a 2×12 matrix, that delivers 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2= 4096 people. you brought in maybe 3. Because the average person 1 person bring in in one year is: 2.7=3

a 2×2 forced matrix paying $100 per cycle delivers after one year: 4096/6= $68200, becuase it cycles 682 times

a 2×3 paying $500 per cycle delivers in one year: 292x 4500= $146 000.

So join today for just $50 and $10 monthly maintanace fee and a one time $5 for administration fee, and start cycling in our 2×2 and 2×3 forced matrices, that never ends…..

For more information: pracins@yahoo.com or call me 5999-662-0536, or visit my web: www.onfiremiracle.com/?id=pracins

Ask for the 2×2 forced matrix Calculator (free)


This note is written by Purcy Cicilia, IBO at Onfiremiracle.com